MC450 Coring Unit. Operator’s Manual
© 2020 Utilicor Technologies Inc.
1. Has the mini track loader or min skid-steer been refueled?
2. Is the water tank full?
3. Are all other fluid levels topped up?
4. Are the pilot bit and coring drum in good condition? Examine both for excess wear and
replace if necessary. Check to make sure that you have spares of both items.
5. Do you have all necessary personal protection equipment?
6. Is the equipment secured to the trailer for transit?
7. When loading the mini track loader or skid-steer and MC450 on the trailer, ensure that
MC450 is raised high enough to clear the trailer in loading forwards or to clear the ground if
loading backwards, otherwise serious damage to the unit may result. However unit should be
kept as low as possible at all times.
8. Do not use the D-Hooks on the MC450 to secure the mini skid steer to the trailer. Alway lash
mini skid steer to trailer as per opertaors manual.
8. Are your Driver's Licensed, H2S, WHIMIS, First Aid certificates and are other necessary
documents available and current?
9. Have you completed all other pre-departure checks and procedures mandated by your
This checklist is designed to make your job and your day runs much smoother. You
may find it helpful to keep a copy of this list with the coring unit. Feel free to add to
it as you see fit.