Electric Soladora CONVEY 260
departamento.té[email protected]
Tfno. + 34 96 570 29 82 fax: + 34 96 570 29 83
Before beginning with a repair work it is necessary to make sure that the installation you cannot connect
for negligence or mistake. As another safety measure he/she should put on in the device of the starter a
warning poster that he/she says: The machine is repairing, not to connect it".
In the facilities that work with Diesel it is necessary to disassemble the battery or it is necessary to put
insulating tapes to the pincers.
If it is an electric installation, the main switch has to be assured in free position and all the insurance have
to be disassembled. It is necessary to put in the box for circuit breakers or in the main switch a warning
poster that he/she says: The machine is repairing, not to connect it."
Limiting values (pressure, temperature, adjustment of the number of revolutions, etc.) they have clearly to
be marked.
10. Never to work machines or tools for under or above their limiting values (pressure, temperature, number
of revolutions, etc.)
11. Stuff you for each machine in an operation newspaper the operation data and the maintenance works.
12. The machine CONVEY always has to be clean, that is to say, without residuals of oil or other residuals
and free of powder.
13. To control and to clean the surfaces of transmission of heat regularly (refrigeration fins, intermediate
refrigerator, cooling jackets, etc.) with the purpose of avoiding the ascent of the temperature.
14. To revise all the regulation devices and security carefully to guarantee a good operation. They cannot be
put outside of service.
15. Avoid you to damage the safe-deposit valves and other devices to reduce the pressure. Be careful,
mainly, with the dirt coming from cement, fine sand or fibber accumulation that could affect the operation
of these devices.
16. Control the accuracy of the indicator of the pressure and the temperature regularly. If the accepted limits
were surpassed it is necessary to change the same ones.
17. Only use original exchange pieces of
18. To control the good state of the safety appliances it should follow the steps marked in the plan of
maintenance of the manual of instructions.
19. Not to use solvent inflammatory, Diesel fuel or the substance carbon tetrachloride for the cleaning of the
pieces. Apply safety measures against poisonous vapours of liquids in the cleaning.
20. To be very careful with the cleaning during the repair works. To avoid the dirt covering the pieces and
openings with a clean cloth, paper or a gummed tape.
21. To protect the motor, alternator, filter of aspiration of air, electric components, regulation devices, etc.
against the penetration of humidity, for example when cleaning the jet of vapour.
22. If in a machine it is necessary to carry out works that can cause heat, flames or sparks, the next
components they have to be protected with anti-inflammatory material.
Summary of Contents for Convey 260
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