study this section thoroughly before beginning to program the dialer, referring to the Sample Program
Planner page 17. Then, select from among the options for each feature, listing each choice in pencil on the blank
Program Planner page 18. Once the dialer is correctly programmed, list each choice in ink. One copy of the
Planner should be kept by the installer; one copy should remain with the end user.
A look At The Keypad
The Numbers:
Press these keys to enter telephone numbers and other programming information as
specified in this manual. A maximum of 28 digits can be input in each phone/pager
The P (Pause) Button:
Press this key to program in a pause. Each “P” provides a 2-second pause. Pauses are
mainly used to compensate for connection lags, such as when calling cell phones and to
allow the dialer to “wait” for the right moment to start playing the OGM, such as when
calling phones where an answering maching or voice pager will pick up.
The R (Record) Button:
Press this key to record the directional outgoing messages (OGMs). The total elapsed
OGM time cannot exceed 20 seconds.
The M (Mode) Button:
Press this key to change the Mode of the dialer, in sequence:
Once the unit has been programmed, removing power or placing the dialer in the OFF mode will not affect the
P r o g r a m m i n g
T h e W A - 9 0 0