USR4204 User Guide
Default: empty (nulls)
The security banner is enabled or disabled by the 'B' command in the Configure Parameters
'F' Toggle S/W Flow Control
Enable or disable Xon/Xoff flow control for the terminal port and all serial ports with this
Default: Off
If S/W flow control is desired, it must be enabled on both the USR4204 and
the modem.
'P' Toggle Xon/Xoff Pass Thru
Xon/Xoff flow control characters are allowed to pass through the terminal port and all serial
ports with this command.
Default: Off
'E' Toggle Command Echo
The terminal port can echo back to the terminal all valid commands and text it received.
Disable or re-enable echoing with this command.
Default: On
'A' Toggle Auto CR
The terminal port can accept single digit commands without an explicit carriage return
(0Dh). Disable or re-enable Auto CR with this command.
Default: On
'D' Toggle DCD Override
The terminal port can monitor the incoming DCD (or DTR) signal. When DCD is not
overridden, a rising edge will cause the terminal port to send the main menu or the login
prompt. A falling edge will close any open serial port, and logout the session if security is
enabled. Enable or disable DCD override with this command.
Default: Off
'B' Toggle Security Banner
If security is enabled, the USR4204 may present a security banner ahead of the login
prompt. Enter the security banner text with the 'Y' command in the Configure Parameters