CDMA Primary Cellular
Alarm Communicator
G. Power Source Monitoring (Low DC Input Voltage Reporting). The CDMAEX can
report a low input Voltage condition to the central station when its DC input voltage
drops below 10.2V DC. It will report Low input Voltage Restoral at 11.4V DC.
H. Automated Testing. The CDMAEX can be programmed to send an automated test
signal to the central station on a monthly, weekly (Default Configuration) or daily interval.
I. CDMA Network Supervision. Supervises the local CDMA network. If the unit no
longer locates the local CDMA Network, its output relay can be set up to report this
trouble condition.
J. Status/Received Signal Strength LEDs. The five LEDs indicate the current
operational status and are visible from outside the enclosure. These LEDs can be
placed into Received Signal Strength Indication mode (RSSI) to assist in selecting
the optimal mounting location for transmitting and receiving cellular radio signals by
enabling dip switch 4.
K. Easy Initiation. Easy activations available via the
Uplink Installe
r app, website at
www.uplink.com or by calling Uplink Customer Service:
1-888-9-UPLINK (1-888-987-5465)
Requires the central station receiver phone number and/or its IP address
and Port number.
L. Web-based Services. Available at www.uplink.com and include:
• Secure login for dealers
• Immediate, real-time activation
• History of past event transmissions
• Initiation of a test report
• The ability to query the unit and receive a real-time radio report status
including a Received Signal Strength reading
• Programming the output and other internally generated events
CDMA Primary Cellular
Alarm Communicator