Welcome in our team
Congratulations on the purchase of your new UP Trango X-light². UP International is
renowned across the globe for designing and building the finest paragliders available –
paragliders characterised by maximum safety, performance and quality in every
Please take a little time to complete and send the reply card found in the back of this
manual. This way we can keep you informed of all new products and developments at
UP, as well as any technical information about the UP Trango X-light².
We would also be delighted to hear any feedback you have concerning the glider. This
is only possible once we have received your product registration, either through
completing and sending the attached product registration card, or by doing the same
Online via www.up-paragliders.com/de/service/product-registration. Your completed
product registration is also needed should any warranty issues arise.
If you have any questions regarding your paraglider or auxiliary equipment please ask
your local dealer or feel free to contact us here at UP directly.
Have fun with your new UP Trango X-light²!
Your UP International Team