accepted service company do the check of
Packing and checking of
the rescue system
Only by regularly having your rescue
parachute repacked can you guarantee its
flawless operation! As with the glider, the
rescue parachute should be examined
every 2 years by either the manufacturer
or an authorised Service Centre. We offer
a certified service for re-packing, checking
and installing the parachute into your
harness. We will also carry out any repairs
necessary, all fully guaranteed.
Sending the UP glider
and other UP products
The best way to send your paraglider,
rescue parachute, harness etc. to our
service team is in a stable box via post or
courir service. Enclose a note of what
requires doing (2 Year Check, repair,
repack etc.) and also your daytime contact
details. We will return your equipment
either by post or UPS. Please indicate
preferred method of payment (either bank
cheque or Cod).
Should you require any further information
about the services we offer, please
contact us at the address and phone
number below. We are also able to give
you information about your nearest
authorised Service Centre, as well as
other manufacturers who are authorised to
check and repair UP gliders and
UP International GmbH
-Abteilung Service-
Kreuzeckbahnstraße 7
D-82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +49 (0) 88 21-7 30 99-0
Fax: +49 (0) 88 51-92 92 60-16
Even the best products have a limited
service life, and once the end is at
hand they must be disposed of
Please make sure you follow your
finished paraglider all the way to a
correct disposal, or send it back to UP
International for correct disposal.
UP Homepage
The UP Homepage gives you
information about the latest news and
products from UP. You will find any
technical information and accessories
for your UP Trango X-light², as well as
many useful things that are necessary
for flying.
Beside paragliders, harnesses and
flying equipment you will also find the
latest UP clothing collection with the
latest flying garments, and the “News”
section, which will keep you updated
with all activities around UP.