Once the rotation is under control, the pilot
attempts to free the cravatte by pulling on
the stabilo line, perhaps in combination
with pumping action through the brake
If neither of these approaches work, then
the experts may decide to try either a full
stall or a brief spin on the cravatted side –
please note that these measures should
ONLY be practised during an SIV training
over water.
WARNING! Should the pilot
be unable to control the
rotation, it is normally
best to deploy the
reserve parachute
immediately. Uncontrolled
and cravatted spiral dives are among the
most dangerous canopy configurations in
Full frontal collapse
A negative angle of attack occurring
through turbulence or from simultaneously
pulling down both A-risers results in a full
frontal collapse of the leading edge of the
canopy. The UP Trango X-light² will
normally re-inflate quickly on its own, but
can be assisted through the application of
a light double-sided symmetrical brake
The stalls
When a paraglider flies through the air, a
laminar and a turbulent airflows form
around the surface of the wing. When the
laminar airflow along the top surface is
interrupted, dangerous flight
configurations follow – we say that the
wing stalls. This is most often the
consequence of attempting to fly with
too high angle of incidence.
In more detail we differ between three
different forms of stall.
BEWARE! Spin and full
stall are both
dangerous and
manoeuvres. Do not
or spin your paraglider on
purpose. However it is very important
to learn how to recognize the
symptoms of a glider about to stall or
spin so that you can take correct
action to avoid it happening.
Deep Stall
The UP Trango X-light² has no
inherent tendency towards deep stall.
It will recover from a deep stall brought
about by over braking, by pulling on
the rear risers, or by releasing the B-
risers too slowly after a B-stall, on its
own without any pilot input as soon as
the brakes or the risers are released.
Should you however find yourself in a
deep stall (as described above this
could happen through flying too light
on the wing and pulling big ears) the
situation can be rectified by
simultaneously pushing both A-risers
forward until the glider resumes normal
flight. Avoid applying brake to one side
if you think that you are in a deep stall
as this could lead to a spin.
Always remember that practising
manoeuvres where you fly close to
minimum airspeed must only be
carried out under professional
supervision and with plenty of altitude.