shipping costs but should not be repeated
once the wing has been unpacked and
flown for the first time. Also note that, in
spite of it being a comfortable seat, the
glider bag should not be used as such.
Should you accidentally put your UP
Trango X-light² into seawater rinse it out
thoroughly with fresh water and dry it
slowly in the shade (see Chapter
Paraglider lines
The lines used on the UP Trango X-light²
are high grade Aramide lines. Keep the
following points in mind:
The lines should be checked regularly
for damage,
Please take care to avoid abrasion
and damage to the lines,
The lines should not be knotted or
bent unnecessarily,
The main brake line at the handle
should not have too many knots.
Each knot weakens the line,
After any line over-stressing (tree
landings, water landings and other
extreme situations) all lines must be
checked for condition and length and
should be replaced where necessary,
If any change in flying characteristics
is noticed then the lines should be
checked and possibly exchanged.
Immediately send your wing to
UPInternational or to a UP certified
checking facility if you feel that
something is wrong!
Storage and transport
A paraglider should always be dry when
packed, but this is particularly important
after the last flight of the season. But even
a completely dry wing should still be
stored open in a dry, clean and dark
place. If you do not have room for such
winter storage we recommend you
open all compression straps on the
bag as much as possible and leave the
bag lid off so that air can circulate
around the packed canopy. Make sure
no mice or cats make their sleeping
quarters in your wing, and keep it well
distant from solvents and acids. Petrol
and other petrochemicals are
especially abrasive for nylon and will
dissolve the cloth if allowed near.
The storage temperature should be
between 10 and 25 degrees Celsius,
and the relative humidity between 50
and 75%.
Do not expose your UP Trango X-light²
to extreme heat (storing it the boot of a
car parked in the sun). The heat may
cause moisture to be pressed through
the fabric, thereby damaging the
coating. High temperatures in
combination with moisture are a
particularly volatile mix that will
accelerate the hydrolysis process
where the fibres and the coating are
If you feel it necessary to clean your
UP Trango X-light² at any time then
use lots of lukewarm water and a soft
sponge. More stubborn stains can be
cleaned with a weak soap solution,
and rinsed thoroughly. Then leave it to
dry in a shady but well-ventilated area.
BEWARE! Never use
chemical cleaning
agents, brushes or
hard sponges on the
material, as these