into the bottom of the square tube that is under the fourth mirror. The tape should run
completely across the opening through the final focus lens holder, simulating the position
of the lens. At P1 and P2, burn dots on the tape that is stretched across the opening in the
square lens holder.
You can observe the burning by looking just over the top of the front frame rail into the #4
Be very careful not to get too close to the machine when you bend down to
observe the dots as they burn. Also, make sure your safety goggles are on.
The P1 and P2 dots should be on top of each other and centered in the round opening of the
lens holder. One can tweak the #2 mirror knobs to achieve dot alignment. To move P2
down, as seen by looking at the dot on the tape through the #4 mirror, move the lower right
knob on #2 mirror clockwise and vice versa to move the P2 dot up.
Moving the P2 dot down, as seen through #4 mirror, is the same as moving the P2
dot on the tape towards the back of the machine.
To move P2 to the left as seen through the #4 mirror, move the upper left knob on #2
mirror clockwise and vice versa to move P2 to the right.
Moving the P2 dot to the left, as seen through the #4 mirror, is the same as
moving the P2 dot on the tape towards the left as you face the machine.
Once P1 and P2 are again on top of each other, the combined dots can be centered, if
necessary, by moving the #2 mirror block (left and right position as seen in the #4 mirror)
or the #3 mirror tube (up and down as seen in the #4 mirror).
To shift the combined dots to the left, as seen in the #4 mirror, move the #2 mirror block
towards the front of the machine. To move the combined dots down, as seen in the #4
mirror, rotate the #3 mirror holder down.
Ideally, the dots at both P1 and P2 should now be centered in the opening where the lens
normally sits. The dots should both be round. See Step 17 for information on the
"Football" beam shapes.
Remove the tape holding the final focus lens holder and thick spacer on the bottom of the
square tube. Remove and clean the #4 mirror and the tube. Replace the #4 mirror, clean
and install the final focus lens.
21. Close the shutter.
22. Turn the machine off.