Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Marvel Plus
Subject to change without notice.
120.5-IM (1018)
High Duct Static Pressure Screen
Static Pressure
Hi Duct Pres En>NO
Overpress Alm> 0.25iwc
Alarm Delay > 15sec
Hi Duct Pres EN
is a High Duct Pressure Warning� When
enabled, it will present an Alarm if the Duct Pressure rises
above the Static Pressure Set Point plus the Overpress Alm
Set Point for the Alarm Delay in seconds�
Overpress Alm
is the amount the duct pressure is allowed
to rise above the Static Pressure Set Point before the alarm
becomes active�
Alarm Delay
is the amount of delay in seconds that the Duct
Pressure must be above the Static Pressure Set Point plus
the Overpress Alm Set Point before the High Duct Pressure
Warning alarm is activated� This delay adds the buffer
to make sure that when the duct pressure is high due to
overshoot that it starts to fall below the alarm activation point
of Static Pressure Set Point plus Overpress Alm Set Point�
Change Passwords Screen
LEVEL 1=0000
LEVEL 2=0000
There are two levels of passwords that may be set into the
Level 1
password is used to lock out the set points area�
In the event someone tries to change a standard set point,
the controller will require them to enter a password before
accepting the change�
Level 2
password is used to lock out Technician settings
from being changed unless a password is provided�
Software Version Screen
U01 Information
Version: 04.8
Vers Date: 03/06/2013
Bios: 6:00
Boot: 4:00
This screen displays the Marvel Plus Software Version
number, Controller BIOS and Boot Revision numbers and
the dates that each was created�
Control Board Screen
U01 Information
Board type:
Board size:
Total flash:
RAM: 1024KB
Built-in type:
Main cycle:
66.3cycle/s 0015ms
This screen provides additional information of the controller�