Appendix C: Advanced Filters
($?0) = Any data byte with bits 0-3 cleared.
(%1???????) = Any data byte with bit 7 set.
(%0??????1) = Any data byte with bit 7 cleared and bit 0 set.
The '!' inversion can still be used:
!(%??????00) = Matches any data byte ending to %10, %11, %01 but not %00.
To match a single data byte with more than one value, separate the values with comma ',':
(0, 1, 100, 200, 254) : Matches a data byte whose value is 0, 1, 100, 200 or 254.
Invert the value group match with '!'. Value wildcard '?' is also allowed.
!(1, 2, 3) : Match any data byte other than 1, 2 or 3.
!($?f, $f?) : Don't match data bytes with bits 0-3 set to 1, or data bytes that have bits 7-4 set.