USF-1600 User Manual
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Duties and Responsibility
Follow the instructions in the User Manual
The staff operating the machine should be familiar with the general safety regulations applicable when
operating agricultural machinery. The operators are obliged to read and follow the instructions and guidelines
in this User Manual. Always follow the health and safety instructions.
User’s obligation
The user undertakes to allow the machine to be only operated and maintained by personnel, who:
are trained in the area of health and safety and accident prevention
have appropriate qualifications and are properly trained in working and servicing the machine in
have read and understood this User Manual
Personnel working on and with the machine must be provided with the required personal protective
equipment, such as
safe work footwear
protective clothing
means for protecting the skin
additional protection against adverse weather conditions etc.
The user undertakes to ensure that:
all warning signs on the machine are kept legible. Complete/replace any damaged or missing
warning signs.
All persons employed at work with/on the machine shall undertake the following before commencing work:
to comply with applicable labour safety and accident prevention regulations
OF THE UNIT TO WORK, and SAFETY SIGNS. When using the machine, follow the instructions and
indications contained in the mentioned chapters
to familiarize themselves with the machine, its construction, and mode of operation.
to read the chapters describing the procedures necessary for the performance of work tasks
If you find that the machine or its component has been damaged and/or worn out, and therefore, does not
ensure safe operation, rectify any defects in this respect immediately. If you have not the necessary resources
and/or qualifications, go to a service centre or workshop that provides proper service in this regard.