Contents - 2
5. Pump Performance
·························· 18
5.1 Ultimate pressure
·························· 18
5.2 Pumping speed
·························· 18
5.3 Power requirement
·························· 18
6. Maintenance, Inspection and Repair
·························· 20
6.1 Maintenance
·························· 20
6.2 Periodic inspection
·························· 20
6.3 Replacement of the pump oil
·························· 22
6.4 Replacement of the coupling spider
·························· 24
6.5 Trouble check list
·························· 25
7. Disposal
·························· 27
8. Maintenance prats
·························· 28
8.1 Maintenance parts list
·························· 28
8.2 Disassembly drawing
·························· 31
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Usage Status Check Sheet (for use in Instruction Manual)
Contact address of sales and service departments