Web User Interface
Input the naming for identifying.
Delete tunnel
This button will delete the selected VPN
Add New Tunnel
Once user inputted name in Name field, he can add this
Quickly select certain VPN tunnel, and enable or disable it,
need to click apply.
Local endpoint Settings
Configure the local network that will be protected by IPSec
VPN, located in your wireless router LAN side.
Address group type
Define the local address type,
IP Subnet, to protect the whole subnet.
Single IP address, to protect a single PC
IP address range, to protect several PCs
Subnet Subnet
Subnet mask value.
Identity Type
Select different identity type to identity this wireless router
WAN IP address
In Aggressive mode, VPN concentrator uses to identify
incoming SAs by ID type and content since this identifying
information is not encrypted, to distinguish between multiple
rules for SAs that connect from remote IPSec routers that
have dynamic WAN IP addresses.
In Main mode, the ID type and content are encrypted to
provide identity protection. In this case VPN concentrator
can only distinguish between up to 30 different incoming
SAs that connect from remote IPSec routers that have
dynamic WAN IP addresses. Because you can select
between five encryption algorithms (DES, 3DES, AES-128,
AES-192 and AES-256), two authentication algorithms
(MD5 and SHA1) and three key groups (DH1 and DH2,
DH5) when you configure a VPN rule. The ID type and
content act as an extra level of identification for incoming