ubbink 1387090 Manual Download Page 3


The MystMaker III is a device that sprays water through an ultrasonic technique that creates real water mist and therefore air humidity. The MystMaker III is designed for use 

indoors and can be used for numerous versatile applications such as an atmospheric effect for room fountains, spring fountain, as a humidifier for terrariums or just to create 

a pleasurable room atmosphere. The mist creator can also be used to swim on the surface of the water using the aid of the swim ring that is provided in the scope of delivery.

Technical data

Art.-No. EU


Art.-No. UK



230 VAC 24 VAC

Nominal voltage

230 VAC / 50 Hz

Nominal capacity

84 W

Length of the cable

1 x 2m + 1 x 10 m

Ultrasonic frequency

1700 ± 40 KHz

Creation of mist

approx. 900 ml/h

Minimal immersion depth

55 -65  mm

Water temperature

0 – 40 ° C

Membrane (disc)

Ø 20 mm / > 3.000 h

Scope of delivery

MystMaker III incl. 3 ceramic membrane discs (membrane)  Ø 20 mm, floating body, Safety transformer 24 VAC, special tools.

Safety regulations

The voltage supply has to comply with the product specifications. The device should possess a residual current protection switch (FI Switch) and be operated with a nominal fault 

voltage of ≤ 30mA. If necessary, inform yourself as to which connection regulations you have to apply with your local electricity supplier. 

• The MystMaker III must only be operated using the safety transformer that has been provided.

• Take care that the device connections (plug, socket) are always kept dry.

• Always switch off the power supply before touching or removing the MystMaker III from the water. 

• Do not hold any parts of your body such as your finger in the water fountain of the MystMaker III and place the device in a position so that no house pets can come into contact with it.

• Take care that no water sensitive objects are situated within of 30 cm of the MystMaker III.

• Remove the plug from the socket when the MystMaker III is not going to be operated over a longer period.

• Never use the cable to carry the MystMaker III and never pull it out of the water using the cable.

A replacement of the electric cable is not possible. The device has to be disposed of if the cable is damaged.


•   Place the MystMaker III into your room fountain or water container so that it is covered with water.  

•   Connect the provided transformer on to the supply line of the MystMaker III and also in an adequate mains socket. 

•   When the control lamp of the MystMaker III illuminates, the device is activated and creates water mist. If the water level falls below the minimum water level, the water level 

control sensor switches the MystMaker III off automatically. 

•   The ceramic discs (membrane) have a limited life span and has to be replaced after approx. 3000 hours. At the latest, a replacement is necessary when mist is not created when the 

control lamp illuminates.

Replacement of the membrane

The ceramic disc (membrane) is a wearing part. If the misting effect is reduced or does not function at all, .

the ceramic discs have to be replaced. This can be acquired as replacement part (set with 3 pieces each) at your Ubbink specialist dealer (Article number 1387095). 

•   For replacement, use the special tool (1) that has been provided.

•   Remove the plug of the mains adapter from the socket and remove the MystMaker III from the water.

•   Remove any possible lime residues in the area of the ceramic disc (membrane) using water with vinegar.  

•   Make sure that the device has been completely dried before unscrewing it. 

•   Turn the threaded ring (2) in a clockwise direction using the special tool (1).

•   Now remove the ceramic disc carefully. 

•   The ceramic disc is very sensitive. Now place the new ceramic disc carefully into the MystMaker III using the correct side with the circle markings underneath (5b). Take care that the 

rubber seal (4) has been set correctly and is not damaged.

•   Now carefully screw the treaded ring (2) back Into the MystMaker III in a clockwise direction and initiate the MystMaker III once again.


We give a guarantee of 2 years against proven material and manufacturer faults that apply from the date of purchase:  The original sales receipt has to be presented as proof of 

purchase if claims are made on the guarantee. Any complaints that do not fall under the guarantee are where they are caused by faults that are because of disregard of the safety 

regulations through the mounting and user faults, lack of care, influence of frost, improper repair service, resorts of violence, third party negligence, overstressing, mechanical 

damages or through the exposure of foreign bodies. All complaints of partial damages and / or problems that have been caused by worn parts are also excluded from the guarantee as 

well as damage by plants and animals.

Environmental Protection

Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist.  

Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.


  Operating instructions MystMaker III


Summary of Contents for 1387090

Page 1: ...MystMaker Outdoor III ...

Page 2: ...2 ...

Page 3: ...dequate mains socket When the control lamp of the MystMaker III illuminates the device is activated and creates water mist If the water level falls below the minimum water level the water level control sensor switches the MystMaker III off automatically The ceramic discs membrane have a limited life span and has to be replaced after approx 3000 hours At the latest a replacement is necessary when mi...

Page 4: ...ntrolllampe am MystMaker III aufleuchtet ist das Gerät in Betrieb und erzeugtWassernebel Fällt derWasserstand unter den Mindestpegel desWasserstand Kontrollsensors schaltet sich der MystMaker III automatisch aus Die Keramik Scheiben Membrane haben eine begrenzte Lebensdauer und müssen nach ca 3000 Std ersetzt werden Ein Austausch ist spätestens dann erforderlich wenn trotz aufleuchtender Kontrolllam...

Page 5: ...trolelampje aan de MystMaker III oplicht is het toestel in werking en wekt een waternevel op Als de waterstand onder het minimumwaterpeil van de waterstand controlesensor komt wordt de MystMaker III automatisch uitgeschakeld De keramische schijven membranen hebben een beperkte levensduur en moeten na ca 3000 bedrijfsuren worden vervangen Vervangen is ten laatste dan noodzakelijk als ondanks oplich...

Page 6: ...MystMaker III est allumée il produit alors du brouillard d eau Si le niveau d eau tombe en dessous du niveau minimal du détecteur de contrôle de niveau d eau le MystMaker III s arrête automatiquement Les disques de céramique membrane ont une durée de vie limitée et doivent être remplacés après environ 3000 heures de fonctionnement Il faut alors procéder à leur échange si aucun brouillard n est plu...

Page 7: ...Si la lámpara de control del MystMaker III luce es señal de que el aparato funciona y origina niebla Si el nivel del agua desciende por debajo del nivel mínimo del sensor de control de nivel el MystMaker III se desconecta automáticamente Los discos de cerámica membrana son de una duración limitada y deberán cambiarse tras unas 3000 horas Un reemplazamiento debe realizarse lo más tardar si a pesar ...

Page 8: ...III acender o aparelho está em funcionamento e gera nevoeiro de água Se o nível de água passar abaixo do nível mínimo controlado pelo sensor o MystMaker III desliga se automaticamente Os discos de cerâmica Membranas têm vida útil limitada e deverão ser substituídos depois de aprox 3000 horas A substituição será necessária o mais tardar quando o aparelho não gerar nevoeiro apesar da lâmpada de cont...

Page 9: ...ente adeguata Quando si accende la spia di controllo del MystMaker III significa che l apparecchio è acceso e che produce nebbia d acqua Se il livello d acqua cala al di sotto del minimo livello del sensore di controllo dell acqua il MystMaker III si spegne automaticamente I dischi ceramici membrane hanno una durata limitata e devono essere sostituiti dopo ca 3000 ore Una sostituzione è richiesta a...

Page 10: ...ανάψει η λυχνία ελέγχου στη συσκευή MystMaker ΙΙI η συσκευή είναι έτοιμη για λειτουργία και παράγει νέφος νερού Εάν μειωθεί η στάθμη του νερού κάτω από την ελάχιστη επιτρεπομενη στάθμη του αισθητήρα ελέγχου της στάθμης νερού σβήνει αυτομάτως η συσκευή MystMaker ΙΙI Οι κεραμικοί δίσκοι μεμβράνες έχουν περιορισμένη διάρκεια ζωής και πρέπει να αντικατασταθούν μετά από λειτουργία περ 3000 ωρών Μία αντ...

Page 11: ...edning og til en egnet netstikdåse Når kontrollampen på MystMaker III tænder er apparatet i drift og producerer vandtåge Falder vandstanden under vandstandskontrolsensorens min niveau afbryder MystMaker III automatisk Keramikskiverne membraner har en begrænset levetid og skal udskiftes efter ca 3000 timer En udskiftning er senest nødvendig når der ikke mere produceres tåge selvom kontrollampen tæn...

Page 12: ...ingen i MystMaker III och till lämpligt uttag När kontrolllampan på MystMaker III tänds är maskinen igång och genererar vattendimma Om vattennivån sjunker under vattennivåsensorns miniminivå stängs MystMaker III av automatiskt Keramikskivorna membranen har en begränsad livslängd och måste bytas ut efter ca 3000 timmar Utbyte skall göras senast då maskinen inte alstrar någon dimma även om kontrolla...

Page 13: ... transformatoren med tilledningen til MystMaker III og med en egnet stikkontakt Hvis kontrollampen på MystMaker III lyser opp er apparatet i bruk og lager vanntåke Hvis vannivået faller under minstenivået til vannivåkontrollsensoren slår MystMaker III seg automatisk av Keramikkskivene membranene har en begrenset levetid og må erstattes etter ca 3000 t Det er senest på tide å skifte den ut når det ...

Page 14: ...ltuvaan pistorasiaan Jos MystMaker III n merkkivalo palaa laite on päällä ja tuottaa vesisumua Mikäli vedenpinta laskee vedenpinnan kontrollisensorin vähimmäisrajan alle MystMaker III kytkeytyy automaattisesti pois päältä Keramiikkalevyillä kalvo on rajallinen käyttöikä ja se on vaihdettava n 3000 tunnin jälkeen Vaihto on viimeistään silloin tarpeellinen kun laite ei tuota sumua palavasta merkkiva...

Page 15: ...niazdem zasilania w MystMaker III i z gniazdkiem sieciowym Jeżeli zabłyśnie lampka kontrolna MystMaker III urządzenie jest włączone i wytwarza mgłę wodną Jeżeli poziom wody spadnie poniżej minimalnego poziomu czujnika poziomu wody urządzenie MystMaker III wyłącza się automatycznie Ceramiczna tarcza membrana ma ograniczoną żywotność i podlega po około 3000 godzinach pracy wymianie Wymiana jest koni...

Page 16: ...оподводящему проводу MystMaker III и к подходящей сетевой штепсельной розетке Если на MystMaker III загорается сигнальная лампочка то это значит что аппарат работает и производит водяной туман Если уровень воды опускается ниже минимального то контрольный датчик уровня воды автоматически отключает MystMaker III Керамические диски мембраны имеют ограниченный срок службы и должны быть заменены пример...

Page 17: ...rikladnu utičnicu Kad se upali kontrolna lampica na uređaju uređaj je uključen i stvara vodenu maglu Ako se razina vode smanji ispod minimuma označenog na kontrolnom senzoru za količinu vode uređaj će se automatski isključiti Keramička ploča membrana ima ograničeno trajanje i mora se zamijeniti nakon otprilike 3000 sati Zamjenu treba najkasnije izvršiti kada uređaj više ne proizvodi maglu iako je ...

Page 18: ...ťovou zástrčku Když se kontrolní žárovka na přístroji MystMaker III rozsvítí pak je přístroj v provozu a vytváří vodní mlhu Klesne li stav vody pod minimální úroveň vody kontrolního senzoru potom se MystMaker III automaticky vypne Keramická destička membrána má omezenou životnost a musí být po ca 3000 hodinách provozu nahrazena Její výměna je nutná nejpozději tehdy když se přes rozsvícení kontroln...

Page 19: ...o omrežno vtičnico Če se na MystMakerju III prižge kontrolna luč je naprava zagnana in ustvarja vodno meglo Če vodna gladina pade pod minimalni nivo senzorja za kontrolo nivoja vode se MystMaker III samodejno izklopi Keramični diski membrane imajo omejeno življenjsko dobo in se po ca 3000 urah morajo zamenjati Zamenjava je najpozneje potrebna takrat ko se megle kljub prižgani kontrolni luči ne ust...

Page 20: ...MystMaker III ellenőrző lámpája felvillan a készülék működésben van és vízködöt termel Ha a vízszint a vízszintet ellenőrző szenzor min vízmércéje alá esik a MystMaker III automatikusan kikapcsol A kerámia tárcsáknak membránok korlátolt élettartamuk van és kb 3000 óra után ki kell őket cserélni Egy csere legkésőbb akkor szükséges ha a felvillanó ellenőrzőlámpa ellenére nem termelődik többé köd Mem...

Page 21: ...adır ve su sis üretir Su seviyesi su seviye kontrol senzorundaki asgari seviyenin altına düşecek olursa MystMaker III otomatik olarak kapanır Seramik diskin Diyafram dayanma ömrü sınırlıdır ve takriben 3000 saat sonra değiştirilmesi gerekmektedir Kontrol lambası yandığı halde artık sis üretilmiyorsa en geç o zaman bunun değiştirilmesi gerekmektedir Diyaframı değiştirme Seramik diskler Diyaframlar ...

Page 22: ...22 2 Mystmaker III 3 1387095 1 Mystmaker III 2 1 5 Mystmaker III 2 Mystmaker III ...

Page 23: ...0 1387590 230 24 230 50 84 1 x 2 1 x 10 1700 40 900 55 65 0 40 Ø 20 3000 Mystmaker III 3 Ø 20 24 Mystmaker III Mystmaker III Mystmaker III 30 Mystmaker III Mystmaker III Mystmaker III Mystmaker III Mystmaker III Mystmaker III Mystmaker III 3000 Mystmaker III 3 1387095 ...
