4) Continue to dry fit the top until it lays
completely flush with the sides with even
pressure all the way around.
Many makers like to sign their guitars.
If you plan on autographing the guitar on the
inside, now is the time.
Step Fourteen - Gluing the Top
Final dry fit the top to the sides making sure the top fits nicely.
Apply glue around the entire perimeter of the soundbox on the lining
and on the neck and end blocks. Be very careful, sloppy glue joints
inside a guitar are a sure sign of careless workmanship.
Do not apply
glue to the top!
Install the top, check all your alignments again, making sure the ends
of the braces are seating in their pockets.
The main objective in gluing the top is to ensure the top of the
neck plate is completely in contact with the bottom side of the top.
Place the clamping caul on the top. Align the caul flush with the end
of the body at the neck end. Use a few spool clamps to hold
everything in place at this point during the alignment.
Be sure all braces are seated in the pockets to ensure the top will sit
flush on the sides.