Soft Power Connector
The Soft Power Connector is located on pins 1 and 2 of jumper block
J8. Pressing the Soft Power Button will turn the system on (and off). If
you hold this button down for more than four seconds, the chipset will
shut down, but the power will remain on. Pressing the button again will
reboot the system.
Sleep Button Connector
The sleep button connector is located on pin 3 and pin 4 of jumper block
J8. Pressing this button once will put the system in Sleep (or Suspend)
mode. Pressing this button again will wake the system up.
Speaker Connector Installation
The S1573S provides a 4-pin header to connect the speaker. The
speaker is connected to pins 24-27 on jumper block J8.
Power LED
The power LED is lit when the system is on, is not lit when the system
is off, and blinks when the system is in Sleep (or Suspend) mode.
External SMI
The external SMI is located at jumper J90. The pin assignment is pin1:
external SMI; pin 2: GND.
Hardware Reset Switch Connector
The Reset switch on your case’s display panel provides you with the
Hardware Reset function, which is the same as power on/off. The