Last update:
Printed on 2018/06/02 11:40
small sized cabinets for more mids and high frequency, they are good fo solos and clean tones. Use
the big boys on distorted and/or or rhythm guitars.
4.6.4 Which microphone is the right one for that cabinet?
You will find a selection of 3 types of microphones with each Two notes cabinet: condenser, ribbon
and dynamic. The microphone technology gives an idea on how it will sound, even if, with each
technology, you could find microphones that are not sounding as you might expect.
With the Torpedo C.A.B., you will choose a ribbon microphone if you need a smooth, creamy
tone. They are perfect when the guitar or the bass is in a light mix (meaning without tons of
other instruments or distortion). We always recommend that type of microphone for the
guitarist or bassist who is approaching miking techniques for the first time, they will sound very
close to what you hear on your traditional guitar or bass cabinet.
Condenser microphone usually give wide bandwidth and great details in the upper frequency.
Very good on bright clean tones, they also excel at helping fit a distorted guitar in a mix.
Dynamic microphones are what you usually find on stage because they are sturdy and reliable.
They usually give good detail in the mids, but they are not as subtle as ribbon or condenser
Take the time to try them, and learn more about the different types of microphones to anticipate what
you need, depending on your amp and cabinet tone, and of course the type of tone you aim at having
on stage or in the studio.
4.7 SETUP menu
Hold A and EDIT
Return to PERFORM menu
Navigate the parameters
Set a parameter value
Save a preset
HOLD TO SAVE/EDIT (toggle) Switch to EDIT menu
To enter the SETUP menu, press and hold the A footswitch, and press the EDIT button. The SETUP
menu groups all the global parameters of the Torpedo C.A.B. In this menu, you will be able to monitor
information, such as the reception of a MIDI command or the syncing of the unit with the Torpedo
Remote as well as the selection of desired settings and preferences.
A Sw
Function assigned to a short click on A footswitch
A Ho
Function assigned to a long click on A footswitch
B Sw
Function assigned to a short click on B footswitch
B Ho
Function assigned to a long click on B footswitch