Rev: 2015.04.22.v03a
page 13
Lay down a medium bead of Welder’s
along the mating surface of the
horizontal section of the fuselage, avoid
the servo areas and make sure to put a
little in the appropriate tab slots
Assembly the two pieces while the glue
is fresh and wet
Push all along the length of the lower
fuselage piece to make sure all the tabs
and slots are fulling engaged. Do this a
couple time over a couple minutes, this
will help ensure a good glue joint
While the fuselage is drying, locate the
aileron horns and remove them from
the plastic tree, they are the ones with
the larger holes.
Sight down the length from the nose of
the aircraft to veriify that there are no
waves in the vertical sections. let this
dry for about an hour
Use a small builder square or other
item to check that your airframe is
going together nice and square