Wearing Your TweakConnect
Wearing Your TweakConnect
Place the TweakConnect over
your ear. Grab the loose end
of the tubing and gently insert
the tip into the ear canal. If
you’re using the thin tube,
position the retaining lock in
the bowl of the ear. (Sound
tube used with earhook does
not have a retaining lock.)
Now place the amplifier behind your ear with the
tube (or earhook) wrapped over the top of your ear.
When properly inserted, the tubing will lay close to
the head around the front of the ear and into the
canal. You can check this by moving your finger
down the tubing, into the ear. Using a mirror at first
may be helpful to properly position TweakConnect.
If the loose end doesn’t stay in your ear, you may
need a different length thin tube. Additional
sizes are available at TweakHearing.com or by
calling 1-888-815-3240.
Watch the “First Time Set Up” videos within the app.
Follow initial prompts within the app. For first time
users, watch the videos–tutorials for using the app.
Proceed to set up
Screen commands will walk you through each
of the simple steps to make the sound of your
TweakConnect device exactly what works for you.
Wearing Your TweakConnect
in your
ear canal.