CC-300 CORIOconsole Operation Manual
Fig 11 A trigger event window
There are eleven event screens containing 128 trigger events, these can be
navigated using the Next and Previous page buttons. Find the screen which
contains the trigger event which corresponds to the event stored in the
Calypso database. Pressing the softkey next to that trigger event will send a
trigger message via the Network to the calypso controller causing the event to
take place. During this time the status of the communication is displayed on
the bottom line of the LCD display.
Fig 12 The effect of a successful trigger.
To trigger Calypso events when controlling a TV One video processor, a ‘Hot
Key’ can be assigned to a trigger. To achieve this hold down the shift key and
press the softkey for the trigger event number, a trigger event configuration
menu for that trigger event is displayed.