2.1 Field of application
This machine, intended for washing and disinfecting, is con-
sidered a class IIb medical device (as defined by Directive
93/42/EEC class IIb). With this machine, also called ther-
modisinfector, it is possible to treat medical devices, e.g.
dental instruments, saliva ejectors, transmission tools, etc.,
whose manufacturers expressly state that they can be treat-
ed in the machine. Follow the instructions of the instrument
manufacturers (according to EN ISO 17664), as well as the
national laws and directives for the automatic treatment of
medical devices. The personnel in charge using the machine
daily must be aware of its main features, and must also re-
ceive adequate and continuous training.
Each thermodisinfector is equipped with an identification
plate bearing:
• Manufacturer’s Address;
• «CE» Marking;
• (A) Serial number
• (B) Product
• (C) Technical data
• (D) Reference
• (E) Date of construction
• (F) Power