Instructions for use - Tiva2 - Tiva2H Thermodisinfector
2.2 Warranty
- Tuttnauer Europe b.v. warrants its newly manufactured prod-
ucts for 12 (twelve) months from commissioning from the
date of delivery of the thermodisinfector provided that in the
meantime it has not undergone changes and interventions
of any kind by the user. Within the aforementioned terms,
Tuttnauer Europe b.v. undertakes to supply free of charge the
spare parts of those parts which, at its sole discretion, or of
its authorised representative, show manufacturing defects,
or at its discretion, carries out repairs directly or through au-
thorised personnel. In any case, labour costs for replacing
defective parts are always charged to the Customer.
- The right to warranty services is only recognised if, once
the defect is found, it is immediately reported to Tuttnauer
Europe b.v., at the same time sending the related repair re-
- Without prejudice to the Customer’s right to warranty service
in the above terms, it is expressly excluded that the Custom-
er may request termination of the contract, replacement of
the thermodisinfector or reduction of the sale price, as well
as compensation for any direct or indirect damage.
- Tuttnauer Europe b.v. grants the warranty at its discretion,
according to the technical needs, to repair or replacement of
the defective parts.
- The replacement or repair of under warranty parts will not, in
any case, extend the warranty terms.
- The expenses due to routine and extraordinary maintenance
interventions on the thermodisinfectors are, in any case, the
purchaser’s responsibility.
- Transport costs, VAT and any custom duties are the purchas-
er’s responsibility.
- The purchaser will only be able to enforce its warranty
rights if it has complied with any additional conditions
concerning the warranty service, also indicated in the
supply contract.