Using the machine
6.6 Display
The LCD display shows the status of the machine. The im-
ages show the various phases and the current operation. For
example, if the machine is loading water, the display will show
the image of the tap, of the water flow meter and of the water
being loaded: if water is purified droplets will be light blue, if
water is cold droplets will be blue and if water is hot they will
be red. The images are animated, to show how the current
operation evolves.
Description of the display (Fig. 16):
1) The number of the running program is displayed (e.g. P02
= program 2);
2) It displays the phase the machine is running. If the ma-
chine is going to run a wash cycle it will display the writing
«Washing». When the machine displays an alarm that
space background turns red and the message shows the
number of the alarm and a brief description;
3) The A0 value is displayed during disinfection;
4) Several animated images showing the current status of the
machine are displayed;
5) The elapsed phase time from the moment the temperature
set for the phase (see 12) has been reached is displayed;
6) Bar indicating the progress of the program; if the program
is ending, the bar will be almost entirely green;
7) The temperature measured by the PT1000 probe, placed
after the air heater, is displayed to indicate the temperature
of the air entering the tank;