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Turbovex A/S
Industrivej 45, DK – 9600 Aars
Telefon: +45 96 98 14 62 – Fax: +45 98 96 42 24
3.4.0 Function of the unit
The principle of the heat recovery in the Turbovex TX3100A is based on the rotating heat
exchanger (B). The exhaust fan (A) extracts the warm room air from the funnel (D) though
half of the heat exchanger (B), and send it through the exhaust cap (F).
Simultaneously the inlet fan will (C) sucks air from the inlet cap (G) and send it through the
other half of the heat exchanger.
The heated fresh air is sent to (E), and diffused in the room.
One half of the rotating heat exchanger will heat up in the warm flow of the exhaust air.
When the heated material in the heat exchanger is in the cool flow of the inlet air, it will
deliver heat from the material to the fresh air.
The process is regenerative as the heat exchanger rotates at low rpm.
The heat exchanger is equipped with a cleaning sector creating a low pressure to
eliminate the possibility of undesirable leaks.