h T
h A
Integration into
an existing WiFi
network in the
Client Mode
In order to create a connection to an existing network, the
SmartController 7000 must first be connected as described in
the chapter “Settings with smart phone, tablet, or PC with WiFi”
as described on page 11. Select the menu item “Settings” (1).
The default setting in the window “WiFi settings” (1a) is initially
set to “Current mode: Access Point (2)”.
There are two ways to connect:
A. Make no changes in the field “Obtain IP4 address via DHCP
(automatically)” (5a). Here, an IP address is automatically
assigned to the SmartController 7000 from the external
router. Subsequently, it can be queried from the existing
router and, if necessary, permanently assigned to the
SmartController 7000 in the router.
→ Enter the “network name” (SSID) (3a), and “Password”
(4a) of your WiFi network, and click on “Client Mode” (6a).
Now, the smart controller will be connected to your network.
If necessary, make a bookmark entry for this address after
the language selection.
Should it not be possible to find the assigned IP address
in the router of the network, the SmartController 7000
can be found on the network with the help of a utility
software. If the Bonjour
service from Apple
is installed,
the SmartController 7000 can be found by entering
in the browser. With Windows
and Apple
devices, this utility software can be downloaded
from Apple
(for example, from https://support.apple.com/)
on the Internet. The Bonjou
service will already be installed
after the programs iTunes, QuickTime or the Safari browser
has been installed.
With Android devices, a Bonjour
service (Bonjour
browser) must be installed as an App from the Playstore.
With this application, the SmartController 7000 and the
assigned IP address can possibly be found in a subdirectory
(e.g. Workgroup). This address must be entered in your
browser, in order to access the SmartController 7000.
B. Prerequisite: There is a known IP address from the router
available on the network. In the field “IP4-Adresse” make
changes in the field “Obtain via DHCP (automatically)” (5a)
to “manual input” (5b) (1a 1b).
→ enter the “network name” (SSID) (3b) and “Password”
(4b) of the WiFi network. In the window, IP (7), enter the
known free IP address and in the field “Gateway” (8)
the address of the router (gateway). Afterwards click on
“Client Mode” (6B). Now, the SmartController 7000 will be
connected to your network.