ConnectMe Tunstall Vi+ Installation and Programming Manual
Features explained
Telephone numbers & IDs
Up to 10 telephone numbers can be entered in the boxes. The destination type has
to be changed to the correct type for each telephone number. There are three
different destination types:
Control centre - this should be used for all telephone numbers used for
control centre call handling
Personal recipient - this should be used for sending an alarm call to a normal
house phone or mobile phone
POTS - this is used when setting up a fast dial button on the home unit e.g.
the away button used a fast dial button
The home unit sends a unit ID number to the control centre when an alarm is sent.
The number identifies which home unit is sending the alarm. The specific unit ID field
enables you to enter a different unit ID for each telephone number
Call sequences
The call sequence consists of up to 10 telephone numbers that the home unit can be
set to dial in any order with multiple attempts to each alarm number. The home unit
will ring each number in the order set up via PC Connect or PNC. If the home unit
reaches the end of a call sequence without the alarm being answered it will start
again at the beginning of the sequence. There are a total of 10 call sequences.
Away button options
The away button can be set to provide different actions when pressed, these include:
Standard Home/Away - the Away button will suspend inactivity monitoring
and arm the intruder alarm if it is enabled.
Service Key - the Away button act as a fast dial button and call a designated
telephone number when pressed.
Check in/Out Button - Setting the Away button to a Check in/Check Out
Button will raise a carer arrived event on the initial press and a carer departed
event on the subsequent press.
Radio triggers
The Tunstall Vi+ supports up to 35 telecare sensors/radio triggers. Using PC Connect
the radio triggers can be set up with the correct trigger type, location code and usage
e.g. whether it is used as part of a virtual sensor.
Periodic calls
The home unit allows a periodic call event to be generated either at a configurable
period or at a fixed time. In the configurable period case, the period between events
can range from seconds through to days. In the fixed time case, the period between
events is a configurable number of days. When the unit is configured to generate
periodic call events at a configurable period, an initial offset time can be specified
which must elapse before the first periodic call event is generated. This feature
allows a unit that is configured during the day to generate periodic call events at a
more appropriate time i.e. during the night.
Periodic calls must be set with a period of 24 hours or more when operating with a
Tunstall PNC monitoring centre.