13. Field test
Field tests are by far the most secure testing method for feed amounts. Performing a field test on a field to
be sown as well as on an already upturned seed bed establishes conditions which match sowing very
accurately. Field tests can be performed for both the seed and fertilizer.
To perform the field test:
Adjust the machine and configure it according to instructions
Measure the driving distance required to sow one acre, dependent on the machine type:
JC 3000
33.3 m
JC 4000
25.0 m
Drive outside of the test length for approx. 10 meters with the machine in working position so that
each feed chamber is sowing seeds
Empty the contents of the test sowing trough into the container
Drive the distance in accordance with the sowing table above with the machine lowered to sowing
Weigh the seeds in the test sowing trough. Multiply the weighing results by 100 to obtain the
amount of seed in kg/ha
If tuning adjustments are required, perform the calibration test as described
If the machine is equipped with TC, make sure that the tire track function is not switched on while
carrying out the test!
14. Fertilizer application depth adjustment
The fertilizer application depth can be adjusted stepless, from surface application to a depth of approx. 8
cm. Ordinary fertilizer depth for grain plants is 6-7 cm. The depth can be adjusted by changing the closing
moment of the hydraulic valve on the tire support arm, see Fig. 31, and by modifying the length of the tow-
bar push-bar using the adjustment screw, so that the machine always travels in a horizontally balanced
manner in the direction of travel.
Figure 31. Fertilizer depth adjustment.