EC Declaration of Conformity for the Machine
(Machine Directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II A)
Tume-Agri Oy
Sudenkorventie 1
FI - 14200 TURENKI
Name and address of person authorized to compile a technical file:
Name: Heimo Valli
Address: Sudenkorventie 1, FI-14200 Turenki
Hereby declares that
Seed drills JC 3000 Star XL ja JC 4000 Star
Serial number ___________________
• are in compliance with the applicable decrees of the Machine Directive
and in addition declares, that
• the following standardized European directives and standards have been applied:
SFS-EN ISO 12100-1:2003
Place and date: Turenki 3.2.2017
Patrik Jungarå
Managing Director