Page 6
Step 25:
You should now have the pieces as
Step 24:
Cut away wood as shown and
Step 23:
Draw lines to create 6” tapered
points similar to previous step.
Step 22:
Mark the unused spar piece 6”
from each end as shown
Step 21:
Cut on the lines to make the 3” points
as shown (do one end only on both pieces)
Step 26:
Mark the center line on the 6”
double tapered spar piece as shown
Step 27:
Apply medium viscosity CA to half
of the tapered piece to the tip as shown
Step 28:
Apply one of the spar pieces even
with the center mark as shown and press down
Step 30:
apply medium viscosity CA in the
area between the lines as shown
Step 29:
Mark the assembly 1” from the
center mark as shown
leave the assembly
in this orientation
for the next step--
but be careful not
to glue to table!
you should be
drawing this line
on the piece you
just glued on top in
the last step