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Amplitude Markers
Number of Markers:
One, Two, or None
Marker Resolution:
0.1 dB
Amplitude Readout:
Display of absolute and difference amplitudes for both markers in
graticule units (dBm or dBuV) or linear units (mV or uW).
Amplitude Limits (only with Option U01)
Limit Types:
Limit Lines from numeric values, or Limit Patterns from Files. Pattern
files are created using PSA-Manager software.
Number of Limits:
One or two limits on screen. Up to 999 patterns can be stored
Limits Comparator:
Conditions of Above, Below, Inside or Outside creating actions of
beep, stop sweep, log sweep and pulse out
Amplitude Compensation (only with Option U01)
Amplitude can be offset by up to +/-50dB to compensate for external
attenuation or gain.
Compensation can be made for inputs from a 75
source impedance.
Linearly interpolated tables of up to 40 frequency/amplitude points can
be used. Up to 999 tables can be stored. Table files are created using
PSA-Manager software.
12.1.3 Traces
8.5 x 10 divisions light grey graticule. Selectable as normal, dim, or off.
Displayed Points:
271 points per sweep (peak detected).
Live Trace:
Dot-joined trace from current or held sweep. Selectable on or off.
View Trace
Additional trace created from the live trace. Selectable on or off.
Reference Trace:
Trace recalled from a file. Selectable on or off.
Trace Modes:
Normal, Peak Hold, or Average (2 to 48 sweeps)
12.1.4 Sweep
Sweep Method:
Peak detection for 270 points per sweep. The amplitude of the peak
level found within each sub-span is stored (sub-span = span/270).
Sweep Time:
Set automatically by Span and RBW.
Typically 150ms + 2.3ms/MHz of span for RBW = 1MHz
Typically 150ms + 7ms/MHz of span for RBW = 280kHz
Typically 180ms + 77ms/MHz of span for RBW = 15kHz
Sweep Modes:
Normal (repeat) or Single
Sweep Trigger
(Only with Option U01), External or Limits Comparator
12.1.5 Data Logging (only with Option U01)
Log Files
Files of up to 25,000 data entries can be created. Up to 999 files can
be stored. Files are read using PSA-Manager Software.
Logged Data:
Log files can be created from Peak Value, Centre Frequency Level,
Complete Sweep, or Screen Image
Log Trigger:
Log entry can be triggered by Key Press, Continuous (every sweep),
External Input, Internal Timer, or Limits Comparator
Timer Interval
Adjustable between 2 seconds and 100 minutes per entry
Time Stamp
Each entry is time stamped from the real-time clock