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Spectrum Analyzer
powered by internal battery or Adaptor/Charger
This instrument has been designed to meet the requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.
Compliance was demonstrated by meeting the test limits of the following standards:
EN61326-1 (2006) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and
Laboratory Use. Test limits used were:
Radiated: Class B
Limits were met without a test object connected; emissions which exceed the levels required
by this standard may occur when the instrument is connected to a test object.
EN61326-1 (2006) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and
Laboratory Use.
Test methods, limits and performance achieved were:
EN61000-4-2 (2009) Electrostatic Discharge : 4kV air, 4kV contact, Performance A (A).
EN61000-4-3 (2006) Electromagnetic Field, 3V/m, 80% AM at 1kHz, Performance B (A).
The PSA1302 & PSA2702 are sensitive measuring instruments and, if
subjected to a sufficiently large RF field, the interfering signal may show a few dB
above the noise floor even with the SMA input capped (Performance B). In all other
respects the instrument will operate correctly (Performance A) in fields up to 3V/m.
This AC adaptor/charger has been designed to meet the requirements of the EMC Directive
89/336/EEC. Compliance was demonstrated by meeting the test limits of the following standards:
EN55022, radiated and conducted Class B.
EN55024:1998 + A2:2003. Test methods, limits and performance achieved were:
a) EN61000-4-2 (2001) Electrostatic Discharge : 4kV air, 4kV contact, Performance A (B).
b) EN61000-4-3 (2002) Electromagnetic Field: 3V/m, 80% AM at 1kHz, Performance A (A).
c) EN61000-4-11 (2004) Voltage Interrupt: ½ cycle 0%: Performance A (B); 1 cycle 0%
Performance B (B); 25 cycles, 70% and 250 cycles, 0%: Performance B (C).
d) EN61000-4-4 (2004) Fast Transient: 1kV peak (AC line), Performance A (B)
e) EN61000-4-5 (2001) Surge: 1kV (line to line), 2kV (line to ground), Performance A (B).
f) EN61000-4-6 (2003) Conducted RF: 3V, 80% AM at 1kHz (AC line & DC Output)
Performance A (A).
Performance Definitions
The definitions of performance criteria are:
Performance criterion A:
‘During test normal performance within the specification limits.’
Performance criterion B:
‘During test, temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance
which is self-
Performance criterion C:
‘During test, temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance
which requires o
perator intervention or system reset occurs.’