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5.7.4 Other File Types
When Option U01 is fitted (see section 6) three other file types can exist. These are
Compensation Table files, Limit Pattern files, and Logging files. Details of the functions are
provided within section 6 of the manual. Compensation Tables
Compensation tables are normalised files of amplitude versus frequency which must be created
outside of the instrument using PSA-Manager software. They are a few kilobytes in size.
They files have the extension .CMP and are located in the folder named TABLES. Files can be
transferred using either a USB Flash drive, or by direct connection to the USB port of a PC. Limit Pattern Tables
Limit pattern tables are normalised files of amplitude versus frequency which must be created
outside of the instrument using PSA-Manager software. They are a few kilobytes in size.
They have the extension .CSV and are located in the folder named TABLES. Files can be
transferred using either a USB Flash drive, or by direct connection to the USB port of a PC. Logging Files
Logging Files record multiple entries of sweep data in response to a variety of trigger signals.
They can contain several types of data and are variable in size up to tens of megabytes. They
have the extension .LOG and are located in the folder named LOGS.
The files are created within the instrument and must be transferred to a PC for analysis using
PSA-Manager software. Files can be transferred using either a USB Flash drive, or by direct
connection to the USB port of a PC.
Upgrade Option U01
The capabilities of the instrument can be enhanced by installing the upgrade option U01 which
adds additional firmware to the instrument.
Option U01 can be downloaded from the Aim-TTi website and can be installed by the user
without any requirement to return the instrument to its supplier. Activation of the upgrade is
achieved via an activation code which can be purchased from Aim-TTi, or from our distributors
and agents across the world.
6.1 Additional Functions from Option U01
The following facilities will be incorporated. Additional facilities may also have been added -
see the Aim-TTi website for up to date information.
6.1.1 Logging of Values, Traces or Screens
The Logging function enables results to be saved into log files in response to a timer or to a
trigger event. Individual amplitude values, complete traces, or full screen images can be saved.
See section 4.8.1 for more information.
6.1.2 Triggering
The triggering function enables sweeps or logging to be triggered in response to an internal or
external trigger event. The internal trigger event can be generated by the Limits function.
See section 7.4 for more information.