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Appendix A: PSA-Manager and PSA-View Software ........................................... 56
Product Introduction
1.1 Items Supplied
Portable Spectrum Analyzer
(PSA1302 or PSA2702) with detachable bench-stand/screen
protector and removable stylus.
Spare stylus
USB lead
Mini B plug to standard A plug.
Trigger input converter plug
3.5mm jack to BNC socket.
AC line power-supply/charger
Universal voltage with interchangeable country specific plugs.
Short Guide
(English, French, German, Italian and Spanish).
Full instruction manual
(English only).
Support CD
Containing hyper-linked PDF versions of the printed manuals, plus support files.
1.2 Using this Manual - Cross References
This manual covers both the PSA2702 and PSA1302 spectrum analyzers. Within the text they
may be referred to jointly as PSAxx02 or PSA Series II. The manual is also provided as a PDF
file on the accompanying CD. The manual includes many cross references which are shown as
follows - see section X.X. The Table of Contents is also fully hyperlinked.
Within a PDF file, the shaded number is a hyperlink to that section number, thus enabling the
user to jump rapidly to the section referred to and then jump back to continue reading the
original section. (N.B. for hyperlink navigation within Acrobat Reader, enable “show all page
n tools” or use the keyboard shortcuts Alt+Left_Arrow and Alt+Right_Arrow).