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Pressing Save completes the storing of the file under the chosen name.
The default name can also be changed by pressing
Change Default. Any name of up to
five characters can be used - see section below.
It is also possible to delete or rename files from this screen by pressing File Utilities - see
section 5.5. Default File Name Rules
Default names are always five characters long, but the user can choose to enter less than
five characters and the system will add the appropriate number of underscores at the end.
The five characters are followed by a three digit number that starts at 001 and auto-
increments up to 999.
Deleting files will have no effect on the increment system so that, if the user had created
fifteen files and then deleted them all, the next file saved would still have the number 016.
Should the number reach 999, the auto increment will start again at 001. If this file already
exists, the user will be prompted to delete or rename files or to change the default name.
If the user needs to check the list of existing stored files, or to rename or delete files, this can be
done by pressing File Utilities - see section 5.5.
5.2 Recalling Traces and Images
The Recall function from the Traces/Stores sub-group
menu (see section
) creates a control screen as
The top line of keys enable the selection of the type
of file to be recalled.
Trace files can be recalled in three different ways,
Trace & State, Trace Only, or State Only
See section 5.7.1 for an explanation.
Screen images can also be recalled from this screen. A recalled screen image overwrites the
existing graticule and annotation area. Recalling an image takes around three seconds, with
the image building from the bottom upwards.
Pressing Recall File opens a file list which can show any of the currently stored files of the
selected type. See section 5.4 for an explanation of the File Recall screen.
Pressing Recall Next or Recall Prev. recalls the next or previous file in the list without the need
to re-enter the File Recall screen. This is particularly useful when searching through stored
screen images.
5.2.1 Traces and States
A trace file represents the swept trace as appears upon the screen along with information that
defines the frequency span, RBW, VBW and reference level at the time that it was stored. The
latter information is referred to as the State.
When a trace file is recalled, the user can choose to recall the whole file (Recall Trace & State),
the trace amplitude values only (Recall Trace) or the State values only (Recall State).
Whenever the State is recalled, the spectrum analyser set-up is changed to match the
parameters within the recalled file.