DANTE/AES67 Port Status on your PAM1-IP-3G and
Further details regarding the PAM1-IP-
3G and PAM2-IP-3G Dante/AES67 ports
can be found by clicking on the ‘Status’
tab in the ‘Device View’ pop
-up window.
In this example we can see the Product
Type, Product Version, Dante Software
and Firmware Versions, Clock Status, IP
and MAC address(es).
As the owner of a PAM1-IP-3G or PAM2-IP-3G, you are entitled to regular free of charge software updates as and when they become
available. Software updates and Release Notes are available from the Support portal at
From time to time it may also prove necessary to upgrade the software and firmware of the Dante Module in order to enable extra
functionality. Full instructions for doing so are contained within the Release Notes.