Trouble-shooting list
Water supply
After the heater is switched
off, the drain valve opens
Temperature at drain valve
less than approx. 3 °C.
Switch the heater on. If the temperature is below ap-
proximately 3 °C, the drain valve will open automati-
cally! If the heater is not in operation, the drain valve
can be reclosed only when the temperature is approxi-
mately 7 °C or higher!
Use heating element for FrostControl.
The drain valve (FrostControl)
can no longer be closed.
Temperature at drain valve
is below approximately
7 °C.
Rotary switch is not at
Switch the heater on. If the heater is not in operation,
the drain valve can be reclosed only when the tem-
perature is approximately 7 °C or higher!
Turn the drain valve’s rotary switch to “Operation”,
then press the push button until it engages.
Water flows intermittently from
the FrostControl drain muff.
Water pressure too high.
Check pump pressure (max. 2.8 bar). If connected to
a central water supply (rural or urban connection), a
pressure reducer must be used, which will prevent
pressures higher than 2.8 bar entering the boiler.
If this does not solve the problem, please contact the Truma Service.