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3.3 Install the Rack Rails
Before installing the rack rail, make sure the rack has enough space for the system� The ES24F needs 2U of space for
both the system and rack rails, with the rack rails installed into the bottom 1U of the reserved space�
Take a rack rail and align the end stamped “FRONT” with the front of the rack� The “FRONT” text must be pointed
the rack so the chassis rails can slide into the rack rails� Align the rail front pegs with the rack attach points and
push the rail into the attach points� Fit the rail retention clip over the front of the rack by pushing on the spring plate
to open the clip� The rail kit also includes two retention screw hole extenders that can be screwed into the middle
rail attach point�
With the front of the rail installed, extend the back of the rack rail towards the equivalent attach points on the rear
rack post� Make sure the rail remains level from front to back� Follow this process to install the other rack rail�
3.4 Push the System into the Rack
Team-lift the system and align the chassis rails with the rack rails� Slide the ends of the chassis rails into the rack
rails and push the system forward until the metal safety catches click into place� Squeeze the safety catches against
the sides of the system and continue to push the system forward until it is flush with the front of the rack.
The rail kit includes additional M4 screws that can be used to secure the system to the rack rails�