Assembly of Aluminum T-14 Pole with Mounting Kit and T-14 House Mount
Step 17)
Run the cable with the cable stop on it
down the pole towards your installed winch. Ro-
tate the winch drum until you see a slot on the
opposite side of the handle. This is where you will
need to insert the cable stop. Using the photos as
a guide, notice how the cable runs to the back
side of the winch and then you bring it up and
over the drum. Then insert the stop into the slot-
ted hole. Keep tension on the cable.
Take the end of the cable where you have your
thimble and clamps installed and place it on the
hooked end of your safety pin. You will now be
removing the slack of the cable by turning your
winch handle. Keep tension on your cable and
turn the winch handle and wrap the cable around
the drum till all the slack is gone and you have a
little tension on the cable because it has been
looped on to safety pin. Please be sure the hitch
pin is fully seated into the safety bolt hole. This
will keep the pin in place while you install the pole
over the ground stake.
Step 18)
You will now be installing the pole over
the ground stake. This is best accomplished with
two adults. Before you stand the pole up, give
some thought as to the orientation of winch. Car-
ry the assembled pole to the ground stake and
stand the pole up next to the stake. Pick the pole
up and set it on the edge of the ground stake.
See Step 18 photo on the next page. Working
with your helper, maneuver the pole till it is ready
to slide down the stake. Sometimes aluminum
can bind. By placing some oil or spraying with
WD-40 on the stake, will aid in the pole sliding
down easier The pole is now fully seated over the
ground stake and sitting on your concrete base.
©2023 Troyer’s Birds’ Paradise LLC. 20785 Morris Rd. Conneautville, PA 16406 814-587-2756 Page 6
Step 17
Step 17
Step 17
Step 17