Operating manual – IDS 65 D
Reset button
Error correction
Operation indi-
Fan does not start run-
ning and flame is not
switched off
Control device is incor-
rectly set
- Check if the control equipment is correctly set
(e.g. the temperature set at the thermostat must
be higher than the room temperature).
Control device defective
- Have the control device replaced by the customer
Fan does not start run-
ning or switches off dur-
ing start-up or operation
flashing orange
no power supply
- Check the characteristics of the electrical system
(230 V -1~ - 50 Hz).
- Check the function and position of the selector
- Check if the fuse is intact.
Voltage < 175 V
- Check the supply voltage. The device will auto-
matically restart if the voltage exceeds 190 V.
Voltage > 265 V
- Check the supply voltage. The device will auto-
matically restart if the voltage falls below 250 V.
Fan switches off during
start-up or operation
continuous red
flashing orange
Flame is present prior to
the ignition of the trans-
- Contact the customer service and have the device
cleaned and heating oil residues removed from
the combustion chamber.
Photoelectric cell defective - Have the photoelectric cell replaced by the cus-
tomer service.
flashing red light
or flashing red/
green light
Motor winding interrupted
or blown
- Have the motor replaced by the customer service.
Motor bearing blocked
- Have the motor bearing replaced by the customer
Motor capacitor blown
- Have the motor capacitor replaced by the cus-
tomer service.
no ignition
- Check the connections of the ignition cables to the
electrodes and the transformer.
- Check the position and the distance of the elec-
- Check if the electrodes are clean.
- Have the transformer replaced by the customer
Flame control system de-
- Have the flame control equipment replaced by the
customer service.
Photoelectric cell defective - Have the photoelectric cell cleaned or replaced by
the customer service.
Burner is not or only in-
sufficiently supplied with
heating oil
Contact the customer service in order to:
- have the integrity of the coupling between the
pump and motor checked.
- have the heating oil circuit checked for air that
may have entered the circuit and to have the tight-
ness of the lines and filter seal checked.
- have the nozzle cleaned or replaced.