TronicStar 10GPRO-V7-RX-R2
Scanning the environment may be more dificult in places
where existis signals from others RF transmitters coming
from outside, we treat these signals as "interferences"
because they can cover and camouflage the signals from
the spy devices we are looking for.
Scanning at a location near a Wi-Fi router is limited to
searching only for spy devices with greater power than
the router. It is also necessary to consider that the
router itself can be a spy device. Inside a router may be
hidden a wifi camera or others recorders and
transmitters. To make sure the router is not a spy
device, a technician must open the cover and visually
check the inside. Another option is to buy a new one
directly in the store and place inviolable seals so that it
can not be opened and adulterated.
By scanning all locations in the environment, checking
for strong signal levels that may indicate a local signal,
any suspicious device or object should be analyzed
internally. Currently most listening devices and wireless
cameras use the cellular network or wifi to send images
and audio. Environments where the cell phone does not
work and does not have wifi network, help in the scan
and improve the level of local security.
Any device that emits radiofrequency, even if
disconnected from the outlet may contain internal spy
devices running on battery power. Other objects may
also contain hidden eavesdroppers, especially those
with internal compartments.