Model SMM 770 Scanning Magnetic Microscope System
microns apart, and it is evident from inspection that the center of the source is between the
two central data points. Therefore, the system spatial resolution is better than 50 microns.
76 micron wire separation meander peak
6.00E-06 T
6.20E-06 T
6.40E-06 T
6.60E-06 T
6.80E-06 T
7.00E-06 T
7.20E-06 T
7.40E-06 T
-0.3 mm
-0.2 mm
-0.1 mm
0 mm
0.1 mm
0.2 mm
0.3 mm
Scan Data
Figure 3-11:
Central peak of a horizontal scan across 76 micron separation meander coil