I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n , & M a i n t e n a n c e M a n u a l
18. Installing the air pressure probe
The pressure probe (also called a Pitot tube) connected to the pressure differential switch inside the unit checks whether there is
enough air pressure in the warm air duct to activate the humidifier.
The probe has to be installed in the warm air duct, as close as possible to the humidifier, but upstream (before the steam diffuser). A
48” long plastic tube is supplied to connect the pressure probe to the humidifier.
Warning : Before installing anything on a duct, always check that you are not about to cut or drill into an air conditioning coil or
electrical accessories.
Drill a hole 3/8” dia. in an accessible location in the warm air duct.
Insert the probe and fasten it’s base to the duct using two sheet metal screws. The arrow visible on the probe flange indicates the air
flow direction in the duct (i.e. the curved end of the probe has to face the air flow). Please see Fig. 17a and Fig. 17b.
Figure 17a
Figure 17a
Push one end of the plastic tube onto the probe outlet. Slip the other end of the tube onto the plastic barbed connector at the end of
the tubing already attached to the humidifier. Please see Fig. 17c.
Figure 17c