ATS Series
I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n , & S e r v i c e M a n u a l
Connect a drain line to the 2” NPT couplings provided
in the drain basins of the impinger and electronic air
cleaner sections in accordance with the governing
plumbing codes. The drain line must be sealed with a
trap or other means to prevent air bypass. If a trap is
used, it should hold sufficient water to overcome the
system’s negative air pressure and to ensure that loss
of liquid from evaporation between cleaning periods
will not break the seal. The drain line is recommended
to have a clean-out at the end to perform maintenance.
Water Supply
The items required for field installation in the wash
water supply are a strainer, a back flow preventer (not
supplied), and the detergent system.
Unless otherwise specified, the water supply should
be hot (140°F recommended-WATER HEATER NOT
SUPPLIED BY TRION) at the volume specified for the
given unit, and at a full flow pressure between 40 and
50 PSIG at wash headers.
Although not required, a pressure gage and a manual
isolation valve are recommended. The components
should be located within the system to provide for
service access.
Control System
Mount the Control System, with the high voltage pow-
er supplies, in the selected location. It must be mount-
ed indoors. Mount the enclosure so the controls are at
eye level to ease in monitoring unit operation and as
close to the ATS unit as practical. Allow 36” in front of
the Control System for service.
Precautions should be taken in the event the
water supply, detergent system and drains are
subjected to freezing temperatures.
High Voltage Wiring
The high voltage wiring requires connecting the power
supplies to the ionizing-collecting cells located in the
electronic air cleaner section cabinet. On multicell
units, the wiring between the cells within a tier is
automatically made with intercell spring contacts.
Two high voltage wires must be connected to each
tier of cells in the ATS, one for the ionizers and one for
the collectors. These special wires are furnished by
TRION. Two power supplies may be required to power
a tier of cells. These power supplies will be jumpered
together in the Control Panel (at the factory). Ring
type connectors have been factory installed at the
cell connection points. After the leads have been run
and cut to the proper length, ring terminals and spade
connectors (shipped on their respective power supply
output ring terminals), should be secured by both
crimping and soldering. For working ease, the power
supplies may be removed from their retaining slide
channels by removing the single bolt in the corner of
the circuit board. Each lead is to be run in separate
rigid conduit and must be a continuous run. (DO NOT
Control Wiring
The control wiring should be completed using rigid
conduit in accordance with electrical codes. Refer to
the Custom Wiring Diagram created for this system.
The Control System connects to: Facility Power
(typically 120/240vac); Detergent system; Manifold
drive motors*; Solenoid valves*; Door interlocks*;
exhaust fan motor starter/disconnect; Temperature
sensor (when specified); Fire suppression control
(when specified); Building Management System
(when specified)
*One connection for each prefilter and electronic air cleaner section
Fire Suppression System (when specified to be factory
The installation of the fire suppression nozzles is in
the ESP sections only. The authorized fire control
contractor must complete the remote mechanical
“Pull,” any other hookup or tie-in, final test and