TMCM-1160 CANopen® Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V3.20 | Document Revision V2.10 • 2019-JAN-04
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Homing Method 19: Homing on positive Home Switch
Using this method, the initial direction of movement shall be dependent on the state of the home switch.
The home position shall be at the point where the home switch changes state. If the initial direction of
movement leads away from the home switch, the drive shall reverse on encountering the relevant limit
Home switch
Figure 16: Homing Method 19
Homing Method 21: Homing on negative Home Switch
Using this method, the initial direction of movement shall be dependent on the state of the home switch.
The home position shall be at the point where the home switch changes state. If the initial direction of
movement leads away from the home switch, the drive shall reverse on encountering the relevant limit
Home switch
Figure 17: Homing Method 21
Homing Method 33 and 34: Homing on next Index Pulse
Using these methods, the direction of homing is negative or positive respectively. The home position shall
be at the index pulse found in the selected direction.
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