Monopack 2 Manual V1.04
Copyright © 2010, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
Monopack LT (ASCII) Command Mode
The Monopak LT compatible command mode is selected when DIP switch #6 is in its “on” position. This command
set is compatible with the old “Monopack LT” command set. In LT mode, the communication with the Monopack 2
can either take place via the RS232 interface or via the RS485 interface. The CAN interface can not be used in LT
mode. The baud rate is 9600 bps.
Attention: The Monopack 2 uses a higher clock frequency than the Monopack LT. Thus the velocity and
acceleration settings do not give identical results. To be compatible with the settings required by the
Monopack LT, please multiply your velocity and acceleration settings by 0.691.