Model One Operating Manual
– 3
General Information
Congratulations! You now own Trilithic’s
Model One Signal Level Meter
. This
instrument is designed to provide you with
optimal features for reduced cost.
Amplitude measurements are fast and
efficient. Carrier amplitudes are displayed
singly, as a group (up to eight “favorites”),
or as a full-span display. It also features a
single channel SPECTRUM Mode which
displays the presence of interfering beats
in addition to the carrier amplitudes. The
unit enables you to take the direct power
measurement of QAM signals, carrier-to-
noise measurements, data logging and
also supports a voltmeter function.
The Model One makes it easy to obtain a
hard copy of installation data or documen-
tation of a problem via its printer function.
By connecting the unit to a serial printer,
you can download its display or records. If
you are using a parallel printer, you can
print out the records.
The unit is the ideal signal level meter for
HFC installations. It is durable, has many
features and is simple to use in a wide
range of conditions. It’s tough, plastic
shell and protective jacket make the Model
One highly resistant to damage from
shock and impact. When not in use, the
unit and its accessories are contained in a
carrying case.
The Model One is rugged and convenient
to use. It weighs only 1.5 lbs and can be
carried and operated with one hand. All
measurement functions are accessible via
a single keystroke. Other functions are
simplified through the combination of
dedicated function keys and “softkeys”.