Technical Design-in Guide Engine QLE G2 PRE KIT | 01-2019 | 1.0 | en
Constant Light Output
56 / 64
Setting Required intensity and Expected LED life
Transferring existing values to a new LED Driver
If a control gear is replaced the existing parameter values can be transferred to the new LED Driver.
Replacing the LED module
If an LED module is replaced the parameter "LED burning hours" must be set to "0".
Further information can be found in the masterCONFIGURATOR manual (see
Reference list
, S. 64
Open dialog box "Tridonic-specific configuration"
Click tab "CLO and OTL"
Enter values in input fields "Required intensity" and "Expected LED life"
Click "save"
-> Changes are saved
Chose a control gear that is in the same room as the new control gear
Open dialog box "Tridonic-specific configuration"
Click tab "CLO and OTL"
Note down the values for "Required intensity", "LED burning hours" and "Expected LED life"
Close dialog box "Tridonic-specific configuration"
Chose the new control gear
Open dialog box "Tridonic-specific configuration"
Click tab "CLO and OTL"
Take the noted values and enter them in the input fields "Required intensity", "LED burning hours" and "Expected LED life"
Click "save"
-> Changes are saved
Open dialog box "Tridonic-specific configuration"
Click tab "CLO and OTL"
Delete value from input field "LED burning hours"
-> CLO function is automatically restarted
-> Changes are saved