Technical Design-in Guide Engine QLE G2 PRE KIT | 01-2019 | 1.0 | en
Optical Aspects
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CRI and Ra are determined by a test procedure. In this procedure eight colour samples (R1-R8) are illuminated both by the light in
question and by a reference light source and the appearance of the samples under the different lights is compared.
If there is no perceivable difference the light in question will be rated with a maximum value of 100. Differences in appearance result in
a deduction from the maximum value. The resulting number is the Ri value and describes the colour rendering for one specific colour
sample. The average of all eight Ri values is the CRI or Ra value and describes the general colour rendering of the tested light source.
The eight colour samples consist of different pastel colours and can be found in the table below as TCS (test colour samples) 01-08.
There are six more colour samples: R9 to R14 or TCS09 to 14. They consist of different saturated colours and are not used for the
calculation of the Ri, Ra and CRI value. However, these colours, especially R9, do have a special importance in the illumination of meat,
fish, vegetables and fruit in retail areas.
In the production of modules chips with different wavelengths
and chip performances are used
Because of this, different phosphor mixtures are needed to achieve the required target coordinates and single Ri values can differ
between orders. This is not problematic. What is decisive for the overall impression of the LED module is its CRI value. But if specific
single Ri values are required for an application, it must be made clear that these values may change for the reasons stated above. It is
also not possible to specify tolerances.
Special LED modules are optimised to illuminate a particular product group (for example, MEAT+ is designed for the illumination of
the CRI or single Ri values does not make sense.
beef). In this case, specifying
For special LED modules the subjective human
perception is the most important factor. The colour coordinates for GOLD, GOLD+, Fresh Meat and MEAT+ are the result of
appropriate tests. Single Ri values or the CRI value are not assessed.